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Thank you for visiting ACF Foundation website, ACFF is well-known in Bangkok Thailand as an NGO providing bail money to FREE Vietnamese Refugees, who are randomly arrested and detained in Thailand Immigration Detention Center (IDC)


  • ACF Foundation (ACF) is a non-profit organization (NGO) registered as 501(c)3 since May 2017.

  • ACF’s Directors are not only VOLUNTEERS but also are generous DONORS to cover administrative expenses of the ACF, that means no compensation to directors. 

  • Vietnamese refugees, mistreated dissidents forcibly displaced individuals from their country as they voice their rights, are seeking asylum in Thailand facing a biggest issue is being arrested by Thai Authority and detained in IDC indefinitely or until being FREED ON BAIL; but they have NO money and NO Thai guarantor (Thailand citizen) to sponsor them out of IDC. 

  • ACF Foundation uses hundred percent (100%) of your contributions and provides a  Thai guarantor to bail detained refugees out of IDC.

  • ACF Foundation collaborates with BRC (Bangkok Refugees Center) to provide limited assisting the refugees for hospital cost


Finding Inspiration & Innovative Ways to Help Vietnamese Refugees

Misson & Vision

Completed Projects

  • $148,329.90 US Dollars to Bail 97 Vietnamese Refugees out of IDC since 2018

  • $117,183.62 US Dollars to Support the following Projects since 2017:

    • COVID Relief to 444 Refugee families in Thailand.​

    • Shelter Assistance to Refugees in Thailand.

    • Food Assistance to Refugees in Thailand.

    • Healthcare Expenses Assistance to Refugees.

    • Education and Vocational Training Assistance to Refugees.

    • Special & Urgent Assistance to Refugees. 

    • Education Assistance to Refugees and Stateless children in Bangkok & Phnom Penh.


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